Getting Started

To start using pic we need to download the tool first. The file and the source code are hosted in the codeberg, so the download link will be pointed to their website.


This tool is still in experimental phase. It’s not recommended for production

Mac is not available yet. Although .NET provide build tool for Mac, I don’t have a machine to test the build.

1. Extracting the file

After downloading the file, extract it and there will be a folder named pic.

Linux x64

If we’re using CLI we can run the following command


Inside pic folder we will get several files and a folder, however the most important are:

  • layers: This is where we store the PNG image that will be combined

  • config.json: This is the configuration file

  • pic: File that will be used to execute the tool in Linux or Mac

Windows x64

In windows, the file that will be used to execute the tool is pic.exe

2. Preparing Images

Take a look at the layers directory. We will find some folders there.


Layers directory content

Each of those folders contain images that we can use to generate image. Let’s open Eyes folder and see what’s inside.


Eyes folder content

We can see that the image has transparent background and has PNG format. Try check images in other directory, they all have the same characteristics. Also notice that all of them have the exact same resolution.

We don’t need to change anything in this step. This sample already provide a guide for us if we want to add our own images. Things to note:

  1. Use transparent background

  2. Save it as PNG with the same resolution

  3. Group them in a folder

  4. Put the folder in layers directory

If you wonder why step 3 and 4 are necessary, we’ll learn it on the next step

3. Configuration

We can configure how pic combines images. It can be done by modifying config.json which already included in the downloaded file.

  "name": "Gambar",
  "amount": 10,
  "batchSize": 4,
  "startTokenId": 1,
  "width": 1000,
  "height": 1000,
  "outputDirectory": "output",
  "unique": false,
  "layers": [
    "Head Accessories"
  "distribution": {}

There are a lot there, we’re not discussing all of the details but focus on what’s necessary to get started.

  • name: Name of the image in metadata and output folder, not the filename.

  • amount: How many images we want to generate

  • width: Width of image output, it can be used to resize the image

  • height: Height of image output, it can be used to resize the image

  • layers: The order of image combination, the first one will be placed in the background, then the next one is placed on top of it.

  • distribution: The image distribution

Let’s focus on understanding layers. When pic is combining images, it’s actually sticking multiple images together. The question here, which image will be at the front and which one goes behind? That’s what layers configuration all about. Consider this example below:

    "layers": [
        "bottom layer",
        "layer 1",
        "layer 2",
        "layer 3",
        "top layer"

We can visualize the configuration above like this


Burger by Jeatz-Axl

Now we get the idea what layers is. The next question is what name should we put there? It’s actually name of folders inside layers directory. In the previous step, we already have a look at image sample in layers directory. If we compare the name in layers configuration and folder inside layers directory, they do match.


Layers configuration


The name in layers configuration is case-sensitive, make sure the folder name matches with what’s written in the layers configuration. (e.g. head and Head are considered different)

Again, we don’t need to change anything in this step. Let’s use the default configuration and continue to the next step.

See also


4. Setup Distribution

Let’s try execute the tool.

  • Windows: Double click pic.exe

  • Linux/Mac: In the terminal go to pic directory then type ./pic and press Enter

We’ll get a lot of text, but on the last line there is a message

Distribution is empty. Please update 'distribution' in config.json

Press any button to exit!

Let’s open config.json and the content should look like this

  "name": "Gambar",
  "amount": 10,
  "batchSize": 4,
  "startTokenId": 1,
  "width": 1000,
  "height": 1000,
  "outputDirectory": "output",
  "unique": false,
  "layers": [
    "Head Accessories"
  "distribution": {
    "Eyes": {
      "layers/Eyes/Basic.png": 0,
      "layers/Eyes/Dark.png": 0,
      "layers/Eyes/Dizzy.png": 0,
      "layers/Eyes/Star.png": 0
    "Head": {
      "layers/Head/Blue.png": 0,
      "layers/Head/Gray.png": 0
    "Head Accessories": {
      "layers/Head Accessories/Antenna.png": 0,
      "layers/Head Accessories/Hairless.png": 0,
      "layers/Head Accessories/Three-lines.png": 0
    "Mouth": {
      "layers/Mouth/Basic.png": 0,
      "layers/Mouth/Canine.png": 0,
      "layers/Mouth/Um.png": 0

Notice the change on the distribution part. Previously there was nothing on distribution, but after we executed the tool the configuration has been updated.

Whenever distribution is empty, pic will rummage through layers directory and trying to find directory that mentioned in the layers configuration. If the folder is there, it will open that directory and taking note a list of image and its filename. Once it’s done, it will put its finding on distribution configuration.


If we put a new folder of image in the layers directory, it will not include the image automatically unless we clear the distribution configuration by setting it to "distribution": {}

So what is distribution by the way?

Let’s say we want to create 12 random images of robot. We want 60% of them have blue head while the rest have gray head. The 60% is what we call distribution. This is how we configure it

    "Head": {
      "layers/Head/Blue.png": 60,
      "layers/Head/Gray.png": 40

So the value we should put is a percentage unit. When we put 60, it means 60% of total image. Back to our configuration, after setting the distribution pic will do the math using a simple formula

\[\frac{distribution}{100} \ amount = \lceil result \rceil\]

Notice that the result will be round up, which means 60% of 12 is not 7.2 but 8. This decision is taken because we can not take fractional number as the value (how would you think there are 7.2 images with blue head?). If we round down the result then we may not be able to produce exact amount of image because some image will miss some part.

Now we get the idea what distribution is, you can start fiddling with the number or we can use the following configuration

  "name": "Gambar",
  "amount": 10,
  "batchSize": 4,
  "startTokenId": 1,
  "width": 1000,
  "height": 1000,
  "outputDirectory": "output",
  "unique": false,
  "layers": [
    "Head Accessories"
  "distribution": {
    "Eyes": {
      "layers/Eyes/Basic.png": 30,
      "layers/Eyes/Dark.png": 30,
      "layers/Eyes/Dizzy.png": 20,
      "layers/Eyes/Star.png": 20
    "Head": {
      "layers/Head/Blue.png": 50,
      "layers/Head/Gray.png": 50
    "Head Accessories": {
      "layers/Head Accessories/Antenna.png": 30,
      "layers/Head Accessories/Hairless.png": 10,
      "layers/Head Accessories/Three-lines.png": 60
    "Mouth": {
      "layers/Mouth/Basic.png": 50,
      "layers/Mouth/Canine.png": 30,
      "layers/Mouth/Um.png": 20

5. Generate Image

All set! Now let’s execute the tool again.

  • Windows: Double click pic.exe

  • Linux/Mac: In the terminal go to pic directory then type ./pic and press Enter

then after sometime, we will find there are new folders called output and log. Our image is generated inside output folder. The log folder is just for debugging purpose or if we want to understand more what pic did.

Open output folder and we will find a single folder named Gambar. Let’s peek inside it and we will find two folders, images and metadata. We can tell that our image is inside images folder, let’s open it!

Image containing a list of image in directory on the left side and a preview of one of the image on the right side. The preview image is showing a robot with square-shaped and silver head with dark square eyes and rectangle-shaped mouth.


Eh? Your images are different? Well, that means it works! pic will generate random image combination everytime we run it. So it’s not guaranteed we’ll get the same result depends on how many possible combination.

Anyway, that’s an overview on how to get started. However, we missed one folder though which is metadata. If you’re interested to know more about it, go to the next page.